If your school district is restricted by a tight budget, you’re not alone. Many school districts are struggling with limited funding right now. That’s why The Conover Company has made it a priority to develop outstanding programs that can be scaled to meet your needs and still fit into your tight budget. We are proud to introduce to you a brand new purchasing system for our Internet Version of The Functional Skills System.
What Does This Mean for You and Your School District?
The Internet Version of the Functional Skills System requires no installs and is formatted for the iPad. You still have access to the same features offered in our CD software version, including a comprehensive management system for all data tracking, as well as all 42 Functional Skills System titles. The best part is, the internet version can be purchased using a credit system, and the cost is only $5.00 per credit! For those districts that are struggling with limited budgets, here is an opportunity to access the industry’s top selling functional skills system on a very tight budget.
Freedom and Independence
The following titles are now available in our Functional Skills System:
- Functional Life Skills
- Survival Signs and Words
- Information Signs and Words
- Safety Signs and Words
- Community Signs and Words
- Public Transportation Signs and Words
- School Signs and Words
- Grocery Signs and Words
- Shopping Signs and Words
- Restaurant Signs and Words
- Clothing Store Signs and Words
- Functional Math Skills
- Coins and Dollars
- Money Equivalence
- Money Words
- Functional Literacy Skills
- Nouns 1
- Nouns 2
- Nouns 3
- Describing Words
- Functional Social Skills
- Personal Social Skills
- Responding Social Skills
- Initiating Social Skills
- Functional Work Skills
- Employment Safety Signs and Words
- Tools at Work
- Employment Information Signs and Words
- Functional Skills Sampler
- Functional Life Skills
- Functional Social Skills
- Functional Literacy Skills
- Functional Work Skills
Please visit our website for more information on these exciting new programs!