Prevent Summer Slide with Conover

school children on the street

School’s out, and for many students that means a three month hiatus from teachers, homework and studying. What child doesn’t look forward to the freedom of summer break? Although students would love nothing more than to play all summer long, you’ll be doing them a disservice if you oblige them to do so. The average student loses over two months of knowledge during the summer months. If your child has a learning disability, that loss could be even greater, putting them at an even bigger disadvantage when school starts up again in the fall. This summer, focus on working with your child every day to prevent summer learning loss.

Work With Your Child Daily

There has been much research conducted on the topic of summer learning loss. If a student fails to put in the time for education over the summer, learning loss is inevitable. In most instances, a child is not going to take it upon him- or herself to stay sharp over the summer. It’s up to you as the parent to help your child retain the knowledge and skills they worked so hard to learn during the school year. Harris Cooper, a professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia, has researched the topic and has found that, “small, individualized programs with parental involvement were all associated with greater effectiveness.”

Conover Programs Facilitate Summer Learning

Conover Online makes it easier than ever to work with your child any time, anywhere. Whether it’s the middle of the school year and you want to see their progress, or you want to make sure your child retains their knowledge during the long summer months, our assessments and skill enhancements make independent learning easy and accessible. The mobile applications are a fraction of the cost of summer classes. The accompanying management system makes it easy to assign skill enhancements and monitor your child’s progress, right from your personal computer or mobile device.

Somehow, learning doesn’t seem so bad when you get to use an iPad to do so. The iPad’s “cool factor” increases student’s motivation and willingness to learn, even when they’re enjoying their coveted summer break. Our Functional Skills System programs are compatible with the iPad, so you don’t have to battle your child to convince them to do their daily assignments.

Give your child an advantage this summer by taking time each day to work with him or her on their communication and functional skills for independent living. The work you put in over the summer will pay off in the fall, when your child doesn’t have to re-learn everything they learned last year, and the transition back to school won’t seem like such a drastic change.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help, schedule a demo with us today.

By |2024-06-27T14:19:04-05:00June 10th, 2024|Life Skills, SEL, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Prevent Summer Slide with Conover

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About the Author:

Anna is a copywriter at The Conover Company. She graduated from St. Norbert College with a degree in Elementary Education. She enjoys researching and writing about soft skills and has seen first-hand the difference that soft skills make in students' lives. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her husband and four children.
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