Why is Time Management a Big Deal?
Simply defined, time management is making sure that your actions help you to finish things you have to do. Improving productivity has become a big priority in today’s world. This is true for today’s students, as well as educators and those in the professional world. Learning time management can help people become better at managing their time, which will make them more successful in life.
Time management is also a key skill related to PBIS. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a term used to describe the proactive approach to establishing behavioral supports for students to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. Poor time management skills lead to reduced productivity and lower academic achievement. Teachers implementing PBIS can get caught misreading the cause of a student’s poor academic performance. They may think a students poor performance is due to some other cause when it may be that poor time management skills are actually the root of the problem.
Assessing Time Management Skills
One of the best ways to determine if time management is the cause of a student’s poor academic performance is to us our Personal Skills Map. With 140+ research papers attesting to its effectiveness and over 9 million administrations, the Personal Skills Map is the assessment of choice for those looking for an evidence-based assessment for personal effectiveness, Social/Emotional Learning (SEL), and PBIS.
Time Management and Goal Setting
We have often heard educators say that many of their learners lack time management skills. Our response is always the same: What reasons do they have to cause them to want to manage their time? Our research shows that without a goal, time management doesn’t exist. But when goals are properly identified and set, students will be more apt to manage their time and less motivated to waste it. Not only will they improve their time management skills, but also their drive strength and motivation.
Just knowing about Time Management isn’t going to translate into positive outcomes for your program. If you really want to see results, you need to apply this information in a way that will help the individuals you work with set goals, manage their emotions, and develop the workplace readiness skills they need to be successful in today’s information economy.
If you need help connecting PBIS to meaningful outcomes, we’ve developed social/emotional learning standards that you can download for FREE. These standards are research-based and organized by stage of life, so you can easily identify which skills to work on with your users or students.
If you’d like to download our soft skills standards you can find them here: