Bullying Prevention Starts with Meeting Emotional Needs

Since 2006, October has been recognized in the United States as National Bullying Prevention Month to acknowledge the devastating effects that bullying can have on children and their families. Bullying is a serious problem that can have long-lasting effects on a child's emotional and physical well-being. Fortunately, there are [...]

By |2022-10-10T12:07:19-05:00October 10th, 2022|Bullying Prevention, Emotional Intelligence|Comments Off on Bullying Prevention Starts with Meeting Emotional Needs

Mental Illness Awareness Week

In 1990, Congress officially established the first week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week in order to acknowledge the importance of mental health. While mental illness can be an incredibly sensitive topic, it's one that needs to be talked about more. There are many misconceptions about mental illness, [...]

By |2022-10-03T13:10:21-05:00October 3rd, 2022|Emotional Intelligence, Life Skills, SEL, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Mental Illness Awareness Week

Why SEL? And Why Now?

I speak with educators every day, and the overwhelming message is clear—COVID-19 has changed everything. Students are experiencing a health crisis of unprecedented proportions, with an increase in anxiety, depression, PTSD, and even eating disorders. Educators often feel ill-equipped to address this crisis within standard general education classrooms. Something [...]

By |2022-07-07T15:10:05-05:00April 11th, 2022|Emotional Intelligence|Comments Off on Why SEL? And Why Now?

Social Skills: Helping Customers

Many jobs require employees to work with customers or clients. Your students need to start developing their communication skills so they can successfully interact with customers when required to do so. The quality of customer service is an important factor clients consider when making decisions about where to shop or [...]

By |2019-10-01T09:25:20-05:00September 6th, 2019|Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills, Workplace Readiness|Comments Off on Social Skills: Helping Customers

Social Skills: Responding To Conflict

Conflict is a normal part of everyday life and this includes the workplace. No one can choose their coworkers or customers. Some people get along great with coworkers or customers, while others have difficulty with one another. Even people that typically get along can sometimes find themselves disagreeing with [...]

By |2021-04-20T11:53:29-05:00August 26th, 2019|Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills, Workplace Readiness|Comments Off on Social Skills: Responding To Conflict

Social Skills: Networking

Networking, or forming professional relationships with people, is an important part of any job. Even if someone’s job doesn’t require them to work directly with customers, it never hurts to meet other people in the industry or profession. There are many benefits to networking, including the receiving and sharing of [...]

By |2019-10-01T09:17:34-05:00August 19th, 2019|Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills, Workplace Readiness|Comments Off on Social Skills: Networking

Social Skills: Socializing at Work

The conversations people have at work are not always about work. It is appropriate at certain times to socialize, or talk to other people about non-work-related things. Just like socializing with friends, co-workers and managers are expected to socialize with one another. Socializing at work helps strengthen workplace relationships. [...]

By |2021-04-20T11:36:23-05:00August 12th, 2019|Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills, Workplace Readiness|Comments Off on Social Skills: Socializing at Work
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