
Most people will spend a large part of their lives at work. Studies have shown that certain kinds of people are better at certain types of jobs. When looking for a job, it’s important for you to find the best match possible between the kind of person you are and the kind of job you choose. Finding the right job for you takes knowing yourself, knowing your abilities or qualifications and knowing where to look.  

The first step in finding a job that is a good match starts with understanding yourself: What you’re good at and what you’re qualified to do. We’ll help you think through how to gather this information about yourself so you can make a good decision about your career. What’s important to you? What are your values and interests?  What are you good at?  You will be happiest and most productive when you find work that is aligned with your values, what you like to do and what you do well.

motivated woman

Another important step in your job search is to understand your qualifications. Every job has different things you will be expected or required to do. You’ll want to understand what is required for the job and whether or not your abilities match those requirements. Once you know what kind of job you are looking for, you need to know how and where to look. Whether you are looking for your first job or your fifth job, there are some effective ways for you to find jobs that match your interests and abilities.

In this series, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Consider the Type of Job You Want

  2. Consider the Type of Job You Are Qualified To Do

  3. How to Begin Looking

  4. Networking

  5. Job Ads & Job Websites

  6. Social Media

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This is the beginning of a series on Workplace Readiness and Job Searching. Stay tuned for upcoming posts in this series for tips on finding the perfect job.

If you would like to see how our program can help your students become more ready for the workplace, click the free trial link below.