How J.K Rowling Succeeded with Soft Skills

Primary Soft Skills: Resiliency, Drive Strength / Motivation “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default.” - JK Rowling The creator of Harry Potter didn’t even have a [...]

By |2020-09-10T11:29:50-05:00October 21st, 2015|Corporate, Education, Soft Skills|Comments Off on How J.K Rowling Succeeded with Soft Skills

How Martin Luther King Jr. Succeeded with Soft Skills

Known For: minister, humanitarian, activist, and leader of the Civil Rights Movement Primary Soft Skills: Empathy, Resiliency, Communication Skills, Attitude, Drive Strength/Motivation The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. [...]

By |2021-04-20T11:24:01-05:00September 17th, 2015|Corporate, Education, Soft Skills|Comments Off on How Martin Luther King Jr. Succeeded with Soft Skills

Drive Strength/Motivation & Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Drive strength/motivation is the skill of learning, understanding, and using your desire to reach school, work and personal goals. Motivation is the reason and the drive that makes someone do something. Motivation is the fifth key social/emotional skill in our Success Profiler’s Personal Skills Map and a key to solid [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:27-05:00May 3rd, 2013|Education|Comments Off on Drive Strength/Motivation & Multi-Tiered System of Supports
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