Our Functional Skills System Apps

We have been receiving a lot of inquiries about our Functional Skills System apps over the last few days. Many people have noticed that our 42 Functional Skills System apps are no longer available in the Apple App Store. In fact, it was no less than 30 minutes after we took them [...]

By |2018-04-23T07:52:47-05:00July 22nd, 2015|Education|Comments Off on Our Functional Skills System Apps

5 Must Haves in Your Life Skills Assessment

Assessing independent living skills is a crucial process in our educational system because it can help prepare individuals with disabilities for their post-secondary settings. Rather than just hoping to place them in the community when they turn 22 years of age (in some states, 26), you can better prepare individuals [...]

By |2019-10-01T08:56:12-05:00May 15th, 2013|Education, Life Skills|Comments Off on 5 Must Haves in Your Life Skills Assessment

Your Back to School Shopping List

Back to school shopping is overwhelming, to say the least. Teachers send out their lists of recommended school supplies, filled with things like pencils, erasers, markers and rulers. Well what if we told you that we could simplify your shopping list. This year, instead of heading off to Target for [...]

By |2016-05-12T09:59:33-05:00August 28th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Your Back to School Shopping List

Closing the Autism Gap Using Mobile Technology

Yesterday the Associated Press published an article that uncovered some pretty astonishing information about the unemployment rate of young adults with Autism. The article reports that 1 in 3 Autistic young adults have no paid job experience, college education, or technical school nearly 7 years after graduating from high school. This is [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:30-05:00May 15th, 2012|Corporate, Education|Comments Off on Closing the Autism Gap Using Mobile Technology
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