In the world of education, delivery is everything. Even the best curriculum in the world is useless if you don’t have a way to deliver that lesson to students in a way that is engaging and relevant.

At The Conover Company we have been tapping into a whole new delivery system for our social/emotional learning programs such as  The Anger Management Program, Maintaining Self-Control, Violence Prevention Program, Success Profiler and our Personal Responsibility Program. With the use of mobile technology, users have access to assessment and intervention 24/7. More importantly, this technology puts control in the hands of the user—where it belongs!

The Problem

In the past, assessments and skill intervention occurred only in the classroom. After learning the lessons in the classroom, students were expected to utilize those skills out in the community. The problem was the disconnect between classroom learning to the application of new skills. The reason for this disconnect is simply the time delay between learning new skills and actually applying the skills in the real world.

The Solution

With mobile technology, the classroom moves out into the real world with the student. Mobile apps allow for access to assessments, skill intervention, and post assessments, along with prompting systems wherever the user goes. Prompting is only useful when it is available at the time of an incident. For example, the trigger for most incidents involving anger has to do with stress. Stress is an ongoing pressure, one that we have to face 24/7. When stress becomes out of control, bad things happen. Now, when faced with a stressful incident, an individual who has our Anger Management Program on a mobile device has access to a two-minute exercise on stress management, to quickly defuse the situation. This is simply the true definition of just-in-time learning.

Soon, The Conover Company will be releasing a whole new series of programs utilizing this new mobile technology. The mobile versions of these programs are perfect for program administrators who are held accountable for learning. Administrators have the ability to send data such as time of use, frequency of use, and type of prompts used, back to our management system from the mobile device. This connects your students or clients to your program accountability system. Even more importantly, you have the ability to administer the programs from your desktop. You can push out new lessons, prompts, and reminders to each one of your users or clients to give them access to this valuable information, and possibly prevent violent outbursts.

Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life

The procedure for changing a habit has been well defined. It starts with what you say. Your verbal statements control your feelings. Your feelings control your thoughts. Your thoughts control your behaviors. Your behaviors control your habits. If you want to make change in a person’s habits, you need to follow this simple rule.

Begin By Changing What You Say – Positive Affirmations

Each one of our new Social/Emotional Learning Programs provide video as well as audio to help engage learners and change negative statements to positive statements. This new technology is groundbreaking and we are thrilled to be one of the leaders in the development and implementation of this new mobile technology for helping people turn negatives into positives and gain control of their lives.

Be sure to watch our Facebook Page and Twitter feed for more details about the mobile versions of our Social/Emotional Learning Programs!