The new year is often a time for reflection and setting goals. This year, consider setting social-emotional learning (SEL) goals to promote healthy relationships and personal growth. SEL goals can help students develop skills such as self-awareness, self-management, relationship building, responsible decision making, and problem solving. In this blog post, we will discuss how to create effective SEL goals that are achievable and meaningful for students in the coming year.

1. Understand Your Current Skillset

The first step in setting effective SEL goals is to understand your current skillset. Consider which areas of social and emotional learning you already excel at, as well as which areas you could use some improvement on. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can help you determine which SEL goals would be most beneficial to set for yourself. Take a moment to think of which of the following SEL skills you would like to work on:

  • Self-esteem
  • Interpersonal Assertion
  • Interpersonal Awareness
  • Empathy
  • Drive Strength/Motivation
  • Decision Making
  • Time Management
  • Sales Orientation/Leadership
  • Commitment Ethic
  • Stress Management
  • Physical Wellness

2. Set Achievable Goals

Once you have identified areas where you could use some improvement, it’s important to set achievable goals that are within your reach. For example, if you want to become more self-aware, set a goal of being able to recognize your own emotions in different situations and how they affect the way you think and act. If improving communication skills is something you’d like to work on this year, set a goal of being able to successfully express yourself in conversations with others without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by their presence.

No matter what kind of goal you set for yourself this year, it’s important to make sure that it is realistic and achievable so that you don’t become discouraged if progress doesn’t come quickly or easily. Break down larger tasks into smaller steps so that each step feels less daunting and more manageable overall.

3. Create An Action Plan

Once you have identified your goals for the coming year, create an action plan outlining how exactly you will go about achieving them. Think about what resources or tools may be available to help accomplish these tasks — whether it’s books or articles about the topic or a mentor who can provide guidance — and map out specific action items that need to be taken each week or month in order to reach these goals within an allotted timeframe. Having an action plan can help keep track of progress while providing motivation along the way!

Setting social-emotional learning (SEL) goals can be a great way for students to work on developing their abilities around self-awareness, self-management, relationship building, responsible decision making, and problem solving during the new year. Make sure the SEL goals are realistic yet still challenging enough so that when they are achieved they feel rewarding! Create an action plan with small steps mapped out so that progress towards achieving your goal feels manageable every step of the way.

If you’d like to learn more about goal setting, check out our product on Personal Responsibility. Personal Responsibility – Achieving Academic and Career Goals™ helps users develop the ability to set clear, attainable personal and career goals and, most importantly, develop the necessary skills to help them successfully achieve those goals. Schedule a demo to learn more.