Laptop computers and tablets have changed the way we work. Laptops and tablets are portable, meaning you can easily pack them up and carry them around. This allows you to take your work with you, so you can get work done anytime, anywhere. With this great benefit of convenience comes a lot of responsibility. Laptop computers and tablets cost a lot of money, so it’s very important that you take care of them and use them correctly. It is also important to use your device appropriately. Your work laptop or tablet should be used only for working.

Follow these five rules for using laptops and tablets in the workplace:

  1. Use appropriately during meetings
  2. Keep your device virus free
  3. Follow the policies of your employer
  4. Use work devices for work
  5. Take care of your laptop or tablet

Use appropriately during meetings

Unlike cell phones, laptop computers and tablets have their place in meetings. Some people would rather type notes on a laptop or tablet then take handwritten notes in a notebook. Laptops and tablets can also be useful during a meeting if you have files saved on the device that you need to look at during the meeting. The list of reasons for using a laptop or tablet during a meeting is endless. If you decide to bring your device with you to a meeting, be sure to follow a few basic rules. First of all, it’s a good idea to let others know that you will be using your laptop or tablet to take notes before the meeting starts. That way they won’t wonder why your device is out during the meeting.

Keep your device virus free

Just as people can get infected with viruses that make them sick, computers can also get infected with viruses that keep them from working right. Your laptop or tablet can become infected with a virus a number of different ways. Two common causes of viruses are opening an infected email and clicking on a website or download that contains a virus. You can protect your device from these viruses by using antivirus software. You should also be careful about opening emails from people you don’t know or clicking on attachments, or files that you don’t recognize.

Follow the policies of your employer

In addition to these laptop and tablet rules, it’s important that you know and follow the rules that your employer has in place for laptop and tablet use at work. There may be another set of rules for your position or job that you should know and follow. Some employers may even monitor your use to make sure that you aren’t breaking the rules. Find out what these rules are so that you don’t accidentally break one of them and get in trouble.

media rules

Use work devices for work

Laptops and tablets come with a lot of features and tools that allow you to use them for many different activities. However, if you have been given a laptop or tablet to use for work, it’s important that you use it strictly for work purposes. You should avoid using your device to play games, search the Internet or hang out on your favorite social network. These activities are okay to do in your free time on your own computer but not while you’re at work. Not only do these activities waste time that you should spend working, but they also increase your risk of infecting your laptop or tablet with a virus.

Take care of your laptop or tablet

Laptops and tablets cost a lot of money, so you should treat your work device with even more care than you would give your own. It’s very important to keep your laptop or tablet clean to keep it running at its best. Never eat near your laptop or tablet. Even if you think you’re careful and don’t spill, you may drop crumbs between the keys without even noticing. If you need to drink near your laptop or tablet make sure that your beverage is in a closed container and keep the cap on whenever you’re not taking a drink.

You should also clean your laptop or tablet regularly. Carefully dust between the keys with a small brush. You can clean the screen with a damp, soft cloth and dry the screen carefully when you’re done.

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