At some point in our lives, we are each called on to speak with and to lead others. The way in which we do these things, or our individual styles, can have a huge impact on our success. As an educator, you want to help your students become good leaders. In order to do this, you have to teach them how to communicate well. The first step is to teach them the skills of interpersonal assertion.

Interpersonal assertion is the ability to insist on one’s own rights without taking away the rights of others. Assertion helps people clearly explain their wants, needs, and feelings to other people. Assertion is a way of getting what you want without violating or offending others or having to walk away empty handed.

Assertive people are those who say the right thing at the right time, navigate stressful situations with ease and, most importantly, don’t allow others to take advantage of them. While this all might sound easy, the truth is that everyone has to work to become assertive.

The good news is that you can teach your students the skills of interpersonal assertion. In this series, we will help you do this by focusing on the following topics:

  1. Communication Styles
  2. Overcoming Obstacles to Change
  3. Personal Inventory
  4. Becoming Assertive
  5. Steps to Success

Thanks for tuning into our series on teaching interpersonal assertion to your students. If you want to learn more about developing or teaching soft skills, sign up for a free soft skills webinar here.