In order to teach commitment ethic to your students, you have to teach them to have commitment to themselves. But people often look elsewhere when trying to improve themselves. Self-help books, support groups and therapy sessions are held out as the path to personal improvement. Yet any reputable self-help provider will readily admit that no program of self-improvement succeeds without individual commitment.

teach commitment

In this post, you will cover the following topics that will help your students to make commitments to themselves.

  1. Belief system
  2. Self-talk
  3. Develop positive habits
  4. Rewards

Belief system

Everyone has a personal belief system. A belief system is what you believe about yourself and is the direct result of your self-talk. Self-talk produces a subconscious picture of yourself that only you can see. This, in turn, produces your performance reality. Every experience creates self-talk in your mind. Committed people have powerful, positive belief systems. To help your students develop this, make them aware of their self-talk and make sure that it reinforces positive beliefs.



Teach your students to strengthen their commitments by replacing negative thoughts with positive, constructive affirmations. By repeating a positive thought over and over, the positive thought will slowly overcome old, negative thoughts. The positive thoughts become a feeling, the feeling becomes a belief, and the belief becomes a behavior.

Here are some positive affirmations for commitment: I…

  • always achieve my goals and do whatever it takes when I commit myself to a project.
  • commit heart, mind and soul.
  • cannot be stopped.
  • keep my promises.
  • do not give up.

positive habits

Develop positive habits

Humans are creatures of habit. A habit is an automatic response to something. We do it without thinking. Habits form your daily routine and keep you going. Once your behaviors become habits, it is much easier to fulfill your commitments.

As a result, the development of positive habits is the key to success. To help your students develop positive habits, have them focus on a visualized goal. Ask them to identify what is holding them back from meeting this goal. By understanding themselves better, they can change some of the habits that hold them back.  Habits that are barriers to motivation, commitment and success must be replaced with positive habits.



When people obtain the goals they set for themselves, they feel competent. The rule is simple: success breeds success. So when your students commit to something and succeed, it is important to that they give themselves the credit they deserve. When they reward themselves for the accomplishments they have made, they are more likely to continue making successful commitments.

Thanks for tuning into our series on teaching commitment ethic to your students. If you want to learn more about developing or teaching soft skills, sign up for a free soft skills webinar here.