Nonverbal Communication

"The most important part of communication is hearing what isn’t said”. - Peter Drucker Although verbal communication is important, spoken words make up only a small part of communication. The majority of communication is nonverbal. In fact, some research has shown that up to 93% of communication is nonverbal! The [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:20-05:00May 27th, 2016|Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Nonverbal Communication

Verbal Communication

If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself. Albert Einstein Verbal communication is sharing information with the use of speech or language. More simply stated, verbal communication is talking. Now I know you’re probably thinking, ‘I already know how to talk, why do [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:20-05:00May 20th, 2016|Soft Skills|Comments Off on Verbal Communication

Empathy – The Cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence

“Put yourself in his/her shoes.” That’s what we tell someone when we want them to see things from someone else’s point of view. Empathy is the ability to communicate (send and receive messages) and lead by understanding others’ thoughts, views, and feelings. The Good Results of Empathy When empathy [...]

By |2021-04-20T10:52:12-05:00May 16th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence|Comments Off on Empathy – The Cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence

The Art of Listening

Communication to a Relationship is Like Oxygen to Life - Without it…it Dies  Tony Gaskins A lot of people don’t realize this but listening is the most important part of communicating. Listening is not the same as simply hearing. When you listen to someone speak, you are engaged with them, [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:20-05:00May 13th, 2016|Soft Skills|Comments Off on The Art of Listening

The Importance of Having a Positive Attitude

You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it. Your attitude, positive or negative, will set your course. It's been said that your attitude determines your altitude, or the level at which you live your life. This is especially true during the job [...]

By |2019-09-30T15:17:52-05:00May 10th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Soft Skills|Comments Off on The Importance of Having a Positive Attitude

The 6 Key Factors to Successful Communication

Communication – The Human connection – Is the Key to Personal and Career Success Paul J. Meyer Communication is a two-way street. This means that both the person communicating and the person being communicated to have to participate. Communication happens when information is shared between two people. Since communication [...]

By |2021-04-20T10:09:13-05:00May 6th, 2016|Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on The 6 Key Factors to Successful Communication
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