depressed girl

October is National Depression Month. According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, depression is a common but serious mood disorder that causes severe symptoms that can affect how you feel, think, and handle day-to-day activities. These symptoms include persistent sadness or empty mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleeping, lack of energy, feeling worthless or excessively guilty, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to seek professional help.

What Causes Depression?

There is no single cause of depression; rather, it is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors. People who have a family history of depression are more likely to experience it themselves. Additionally, women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with depression. Other risk factors include major life events, chronic medical conditions and certain medications.

Depression and Anxiety

Though they are two different disorders, depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. People with anxiety are constantly worrying about future events, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Similarly, people who are depressed may also experience anxiety. Their negative thoughts about themselves and the world around them can lead to feelings of panic and despair.

The Anxiety Management Program

When depression and anxiety overtake our lives, it can impact our health, our relationships and even our personal success in school and the workplace. The Anxiety Management Program teaches how to manage anxiety through learning self-control, managing stress and improving physical wellness.

Want to learn more about Anxiety Management? Schedule a demo to learn more: