Balancing your work and your personal life can be tricky. It can be easy to get wrapped up in work and think about it all the time. For the sake of your mental health, it’s important that you leave work at work and find time for yourself. Taking a break from work will allow you to return to work refreshed and ready to begin again.

balancing work and personal life

Here are five ways you can practice balancing your work and personal life:

  1. Set boundaries for yourself
  2. Prioritize work and work-related events
  3. Say “no” when necessary
  4. Leave your personal life at home
  5. Schedule time for yourself

Set boundaries for yourself

A boundary is a line that makes the limits of an area, a dividing line. Setting boundaries is the first step you should take to achieve balance in your work and personal life. For example, you may promise yourself to normally work no more than 40 hours per week. It is important to set this boundary ahead of time so that you know when to take a break, even if you want to keep working. Here are some ways you can set boundaries for yourself in your new position:

  •         Focus on what is most important for you to get done in your day.
  •         Pace yourself and set realistic goals for what you can accomplish. Don’t try to do too much at once.
  •         Take a break from work every couple hours by walking or stretching.
  •         Leave work at work and unwind when you get home.


Prioritize work and work-related events

Remember to keep your priorities in order. A priority is something that is regarded as more important than another. Work and work-related events should be important in your life, but remember that you have other priorities in your life that also deserve your attention. Many people spend time working on things that do not really matter to them.

Time is the most valuable asset in life and you do not want to waste it. So find out what is actually important to you and to your position. Then plan your day or week to make the most of your time and complete your goals as best you can. If you don’t plan, you are less likely to achieve your goals and also the balance between your work and personal life.


Say “no” when necessary

Work is important, but so is your mental health. It can be easy to lose sight of your mental health among all the demands of the workplace. After all, you might have two goals to meet, a meeting to attend, a project to finish and a coworker who wants to catch up with you. How are you supposed to handle being in such a situation? The quick answer is that you should first take care of yourself and your mental health. If you say “yes” to everyone’s requests, you’ll quickly get burned out. Say “no” when you feel it is necessary to plans after work or to taking on another project if you are overwhelmed. Be sure to explain why you are saying no.


Leave your personal life at home

Your work life and personal life should be kept separate. Remember to concentrate on work while at work and to leave the details of your personal life at home. It is often not professional to bring up your personal life at work. And sharing personal information with coworkers can provide fuel for gossip if the wrong person hears it.

schedule time

Schedule time for yourself

We all make time to schedule doctor appointments or grocery shop, but have you ever considered setting aside special time for yourself? Balancing your life requires you to schedule time for yourself regularly. After all, you do not want work to overwhelm your life. Schedule a massage once a month, plan time to exercise or take a long walk, or treat yourself to a nice dinner once in awhile. Plan a vacation you have always wanted to take. Do something you enjoy to take your mind off work and recharge. Chances are, you will return refreshed and more ready to work.

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