It may be a scary thought, but will you typically spend more hours of the day with your coworkers than with anyone else. This is one reason it is important that you get along with your peers as best you can. You see, poor relationships can cause a department or company much devastation. 

get along with your peers

Peers work well together when they look out for each other. This allows work to get done more quickly and more efficiently while increasing workplace morale. Here are five tips to getting along with your colleagues:

  1. Work as a team
  2. Share constructive criticism
  3. Be respectful
  4. Stay positive
  5. Have empathy for others


Work as a team

Don’t lose sight that your coworkers are your teammates. Remind yourself often that you are all working toward a common goal and should try to help each other as best you can. If you do this, it will be easier to get along with your peers. In order to work as a team, you must:

  • do your own job well
  • anticipate the needs of others
  • be willing to put your work aside and help someone else
  • offer suggestions to help others
  • ask others for help
  • avoid gossip and build each other up
  • communicate often and well with one another


Share constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is the process of offering opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner. Sharing constructive criticism with your peers, if done appropriately, is another way to build relationships with them. It can also help improve their job performance.

It can, however, be uncomfortable to share constructive criticism with a peer, but it is best for your peer and entire team in the long run. If you are giving constructive criticism, remember the following:

  • Include a strength or or positive comment about the person in your comments to him or her.
  • Comment on the issue at hand, not on the person himself/herself.
  • Don’t make personal attacks.
  • Share specific feedback.
  • Give recommendations for how to improve.

man talking

Be respectful

Being respectful of your peers is always an important part of teamwork. Respecting each other will keep up workplace morale and make the environment much more enjoyable for everyone. There are bound to be disagreements between peers, but they should be handled politely and respectfully. Keep in mind that you are a team and respecting each other will make work go much more smoothly. Here are some suggestions to help you:

  1. Be kind in your words and actions. Be helpful when you can.
  2. Let your peers work. Give them space to get their work done and try not to bother them.
  3. Respect privacy. Allow others to leave their private lives at home.
  4. Don’t gossip. It ruins relationships and the work environment. Instead, say positive things to build up one another.
  5. Listen to what your co workers have to say. Take their ideas into account.
  6. Be reliable and honest. Let others depend on you so you can depend on them.
  7. Collaborate with one another. Share ideas often and work together.

happy friends

Stay positive

Staying positive at work can sometimes be a challenge. But, working to keep your positive attitude helps you and everyone else on your team. Just one positive or optimistic person can change the workplace dynamic for the better. You will create a good impression and encourage the same attitude in others. It can be easy to get discouraged, especially if some coworkers try to bring others down. Keep your chin up and remember that your positive attitude can only rub off on others and make work more pleasant.

Have empathy for others

Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of others. Having empathy, or putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, is an important part of understanding your peer’s position. When you consider where someone else is coming from, you become more understanding and willing to listen. You may not always agree with your peers, but having empathy can help you hear them and understand why they feel the way they do. You should have empathy for others just as you want them to have empathy for you and consider your point of view.

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