Career Exploration & Assessment for Adult Education

An online career exploration and assessment system related to training, education and employment.

Career Exploration & Assessment for Adult Education.

An online career exploration and assessment system related to training, education and employment.

MECA® is part of our Conover Online® system. MECA uses a simple process to connect hands-on projects to applied academics. It is a unique four step, research-based approach for career exploration and assessment resulting in the creation of post-secondary goals. At its core are four separate, yet related, components.

1. Interest Indicator™

2. Work Samples

3. Learning Assessment Programs™

4. Career Planners™

Conover Online automatically assigns career areas based on the areas of interest for each individual. All of the results are documented so your adult ed program has the data necessary to plan out each individuals goals. This eliminates the expensive and time-consuming activities of scoring and reporting results, and frees up the staff to help where needed.

1. The Interest Indicator

The Interest Indicator is an assessment of interests based upon personal likes and dislikes of everyday activities and can be used by individuals with little to no work experience. This is the starting point inside of MECA to take those interests and assign specific career areas based on the results.

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2. Work Samples

The Work Samples are hands-on simulations of an actual part of a job. The Work Samples provide opportunities to try out jobs in a non-threatening way. Many adult education programs have used the work samples for training or to help students explore before they put students into the workplace setting. Each career kit contains all of the tools, supplies and hardware needed to perform each of the entry-level, mid-level and advanced-level job activities.

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Available Career Areas

All items are packaged in a sturdy carrying case and most supplies can be replaced locally. All others can be purchased through our online store. You can purchase individual work samples or an entire set. Quantity discounts may apply.

3. Learning Assessment Programs

Each LAP demonstrates how math, communication, and problem solving skills relate to the actual demands of the workplace. These are standardized, contextualized academic assessments of job specific skills needed to perform a job. This helps connect why certain competencies are needed within each career area. Each assessment takes about 20-30 minutes to complete and includes full audio, pictures and documents the results in real-time for each adult learner you work with.

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Available Career Areas

  • Accountant
  • Automotive Technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Building Maintenance
  • Case Aide
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Computer-Aided Design
  • Computer Applications
  • Computer Graphics
  • Construction Technology
  • Cosmetology
  • Custodial Housekeeping/Janitor
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Day Care Worker
  • Dietetic Technician
  • Digital Video Producer
  • Distribution/Warehouse
  • Doctor
  • Electronics
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Entrepreneur
  • Environmental Technician
  • Fast Foods Worker
  • Firefighter
  • Food Service
  • Graphic Design
  • Health Care
  • Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Home Health Aide
  • Horticulture
  • Manufacturing–Fabrication & Assembly
  • Manufacturing–Small Parts Assembly
  • Medical/Dental Assistant
  • Medical Laboratory Specialist
  • Medical Records Technician
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Nursing
  • Office Technology
  • Painter
  • Performing Artist
  • Physical/Occupational Therapist Assistant
  • Police Officer
  • Postal Worker
  • Professional Athlete
  • Quality Assurance
  • Radiologic Technician
  • Sales
  • Security Guard
  • Small Engines
  • Taxi Driver
  • Teacher Aide
  • Telecommunications
  • Telemarketer
  • Truck Driver
  • Vending Machine Operator
  • Veterinary Assistant/Technician
  • Welder

4. The Career Planner

It is vital that individuals are actively involved in mapping out their own career goals. Of course users must be provided with relevant information in order to set appropriate goals. The Career Planner provides relevant information in order to set those appropriate goals including:

  • Job requirements
  • Related jobs
  • Related interests
  • Physical demands
  • Working conditions
  • Academic/technical skills
  • Where to obtain these skills
  • Helpful high school courses
  • Ways to get a job
  • Licensing and certification
  • Wages
  • Job outlook

After completing an occupation in The Career Planner, a simple questionnaire begins the “reality check” needed for creating appropriate post-secondary goals. The Career Planner creates a career portfolio or summary of performance, documenting post-secondary goals and setting a plan for achieving these goals.

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Research-Based Effectiveness

Everything in our MECA System is evidence-based and built off of 40+ years of experience and tens of thousands of users, nothing else on the market comes close to Conover Online in terms of credibility and validity.