Conover Online™
Conover Online™ is a unique research-based process for assessing and teaching personal success skills for school, workplace, community and life.
Conover Online™
Conover Online™ is a unique research-based process for assessing and teaching personal success skills for school, workplace, community and life.
We have helped over 13,000 organizations to help millions of people maximize their personal and professional success with our easy-to-use online assessment and skill building tools.
By delivering cloud-based assessment and skill building systems that are easily accessible on any device and proven to deliver the reliable results you expect from a top-notch assessment system, Conover Online takes the pain out of the traditional assessment process.
Conover Online removes the limitations of traditional software systems. Now you can access any part of our Conover® system any time on any computer or mobile device.
With Conover Online, you can put the people you work with in the best possible position to succeed AND meet your reporting requirements with the click of a button.
Cloud Based Convienence

Conover Online™ provides immediate access because there is no installation required. Once an assignment is made, the user can access it until it is fully completed. Each user’s progress is saved when exiting the unit, so when logged in again, the program picks up right where the user left off, even if it is on a different computer or device.
Built-in Accountability
All assessments and curriculum are electronically integrated into Conover Online™. This allows for a seamless program integration from interest testing to the assigning, delivery, benchmarking, tracking, and creating a Summary of Performance. This eliminates the expensive and time-consuming activities of scoring and reporting results, and frees up the program administrator to help where needed. Program accountability is electronically built into the system. Because Conover Online™ is a cloud-based program, accountability for all users at all sites is a simple reality.
Conover Online™ gives you usage and performance analytics, real-time data tracking, and program management tools to improve productivity and comply with federal and state reporting requirements anytime, anywhere!

Pay Only For What You Use

Credits are how you deliver content in Conover Online. They allow you to create customized learning plans based on the user’s specific needs.
Think of Conover Online as a giant software vending machine. Conover Online Credits are the currency that buys you the candy bar. You can buy anything in the machine, but you don’t pay just to have access to it – you only pay for what you actually “consume” – meaning you never overpay.
What is included in Conover Online
Conover Online™ is a unique research-based approach for assessing and teaching personal success skills needed in all areas of life. Our unique credit system gives access to any program at anytime, anywhere and on any device.
Career Exploration & Assessment
Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Tools
Functional & Life Skills Tools
Quick Facts and Features
Access Anytime, Anywhere
Live Support & Training
Comprehensive Reports
Self-paced, User Directed Learning
Monitor with Viewer Accounts
No Reading Required (full audio)
Designed in HTML5
No Installation/Setup Required
Why Conover Online Works

1. Conover Online quickly and accurately assesses the needs of the individuals you work with.

2. The management systems analyzes the data and identifies the areas of need for each person in your program.

3. Each individual receives a custom success plan tailored to his or her specific needs, which Conover Online automatically delivers.

4. Your program participants get the skills they need to be successful and you look like a genius.

Utilize our unique credentialing system to recognize your participants success in our programs.