We can help you incorporate identified marketable skills in your programming for 60x30TX

Let’s think differently and get positive results

What does it mean to have marketable skills and how do you measure them?

Employers are placing a premium on these soft skills like communication, problem solving and working with others on teams. There are two key things to keep in mind while trying to meet this requirement. We can help.

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Two Keys to Keep in Mind When Developing a Plan for Marketable Skills

1. Have a valid assessment

You need to measure these marketable skills in a way that is objective and honest.

2. Make sure it’s research-based

Don’t just search online for something that is a quick fix. You need a process in place that is proven to work.

Some of the places who use Conover Online

We Can Help

Our forty years of research shows that having a measuring and teaching the following types of skills helps with success both academically and professionally. It increases motivation, and is the gateway to success in school, work, and life.

We’ve helped millions of people take back control of their lives and their futures by teaching them how to overcome the obstacles they face every day. You can use our online tools to help your students focus on what really matters by helping them identify, explain and understand marketable skills like:

  • Goal Setting

  • Resiliency

  • Personal Responsibility

  • Problem Solving

  • Self-Esteem

  • Achievement Drive

  • Assertion, Aggression and Deference

  • Interpersonal Awareness

  • Empathy

  • Stress Management

  • Decision Making

  • And more!

How Much Does This Cost?

Preparing individuals for all aspects of the workplace by developing the soft skills employers want.  Includes the Workplace Readiness System.

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A systematic, research-based assessment and skill-building system designed for self-determination and social/emotional development.  Includes Personal Responsibilty and The Success Profiler.

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