Emergency Signs and Words
Medical emergencies are stressful for everyone involved. An understanding of basic emergency signs and words can help individuals remain calm and avoid further harm or injury. This program familiarizes users with 80 signs and words in categories such as: REASONS FOR MEDICAL CARE: allergic reaction, broken bone; FIRST AID: bandage, gauze; HELP: ambulance, police; MEDICAL CLINIC: doctor, nurse, prescription; OPERATING ROOM: operating table, surgeon; and PATIENT’S ROOM: call button, hospital bed.

Reasons for Medical Care
- Allergic Reaction
- Bleed
- Broken Bone
- Burn
- Car Accident
- Choke
- Drown
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Frostbite
- Heart Attack
- Injured/Hurt
- Overdose
- Shock
- Swallow Poison
- Tornado
- Unconscious
- Adhesive Bandage
- Antibacterial Ointment
- Antihistamine Cream
- Bandage
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- First Aid Manual
- Gauze
- Heimlich Maneuver
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Ice Pack
- Medical Emergency Bracelet
- Rescue Breathing
- Splint
- Sterile Pad
- Stitches
- Tape
- Tweezers
- Ambulance
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Emergency Services Dial 911
- Fire Department
- Intravenous Drip (IV)
- Police
- Stretcher
Medical Clinic
- Blood Pressure Gauge
- Blood Test/Work
- Doctor
- Emergency Entrance
- Examination Table
- Examining Room
- Medical Charts
- Medical Tests
- Medication
- Nurse
- Patient
- Prescription
- Receptionist
- Scale
- Specialist
- Stethoscope
- Syringe
- Thermometer
- Vital Signs Monitor
- Waiting Room
- X-ray
Operating Room
- Latex Gloves
- Operating Table
- Surgeon
- Surgery
- Surgical Cap
- Surgical Gown
- Surgical Nurse
Patient’s Room
- Bed Control
- Bed Table
- Call Button
- Hospital Bed
- Hospital Gown