Describing Words
Language is much more interesting when creative adjectives and adverbs are used to describe people, places, and things. Individuals can use this program in conjunction with our Nouns and Verbs programs help create simple sentences. Examples of words found in this program include ahead, behind, clean, closed, empty, hot, large, open, smooth, and tall.

- Ahead
- Around
- Bad
- Behind
- Bent
- Big
- Black
- Blue
- Boring
- Bottom
- Bright
- Brown
- Clean
- Close
- Closed
- Cold
- Curly
- Dark
- Dirty
- Dull
- Easy
- Empty
- Far
- Fast
- Fat
- Few
- Full
- Fun
- Good
- Gray
- Green
- Happy
- Hard
- Heavy
- Hot
- In
- Large
- Light
- Little
- Long
- Loose
- Loud
- Many
- Mean
- Mild
- Narrow
- Near
- Nice
- Open
- Orange
- Out
- Over
- Pretty
- Purple
- Quiet
- Red
- Rough
- Sad
- Sharp
- Short
- Simple
- Slow
- Small
- Smart
- Smooth
- Soft
- Spicy
- Straight
- Strong
- Tall
- Thin
- Through
- Tight
- Top
- Ugly
- Under
- Weak
- White
- Wide
- Yellow