Personal Social Skills (Work)
Workplace Social Skills is a three-part system that covers the basics of social skills on the job. The three parts include Personal, Responding and Initiating Social Skills. This program is a higher level version of our Personal Social Skills How-To series. This Learning Activity Series (LAS) approaches the content in a way that is more suitable for advanced users, using interactive lessons based upon video modeling. Personal Social Skills includes: Take Responsibility, Be Dependable, Accept Consequences, Have Self-Control, Maintain Hygiene, Grooming and Dress, Be Positive, Tell the Truth, Be Polite and Courteous, Be Assertive.

Take Responsibility
- Know what you are to do
- If unsure of what to do, ask questions
- Do your work
- Complete your work
- If your work is not done – blame yourself – not others
Be Dependable
- Be on time
- Know what you are to do
- Do your work
- Mind your own work
- Complete your work on time
- Follow the rules
Accept Consequences
- Know what you are to do
- Know what will happen as a result of your work
- Do your work
- Accept the results
- If mistakes were made – learn from it
- Make the needed changes
Maintain Hygiene, Grooming, and Dress
- Take a bath or shower each day
- Brush teeth
- Shave
- Put on makeup
- Put on deodorant
- Comb your hair
- Dress for work
- Wash your hands often
Be Polite and Courteous
- Look at others when listening or speaking
- Stay the correct distance apart
- Don’t interrupt others
- Listen when spoken to
- Use the correct tone of voice
- Say ”please” and ”thank you”
- Help others when needed
- Show respect for others
Tell the Truth
- Know the truth
- Tell the truth
- Be able to prove the truth
Be Positive
- Think positive thoughts
- Say positive things
- Feel positive
- Act positive
Have Self-Control
- Your feelings are normal
- Your feelings are a signal
- Separate your feelings from your actions
- Remain calm
- Do things when you are calm
Be Assertive
- Think about what you want or need
- Calmly say what you want or need
- Look at others when speaking
- Calmly answer any questions
- Calmly resay your wants and needs
- Respect the wants and needs of others