Core Vocabulary 1
This new Signs and Words Series program includes 500+ core vocabulary words needed for basic communication. This series is included as the core vocabulary for our Functional Communication System. Core Vocabulary 1 includes 88 describing words. Describing words are words that tell about or describe something. Core Vocabulary 1 includes such words as best, different, important, mine, pretty and true.

- A
- Afraid
- All
- An
- Another
- Any
- Bad
- Best
- Better
- Big
- Bored
- Both
- Busy
- Clean
- Cold
- Different
- Dirty
- Dry
- Each
- Early
- Easy
- Enough
- Every
- Fast
- Fine
- First
- Good
- Great
- Happy
- Hard
- Her
- High
- His
- Hot
- Hungry
- Important
- Its
- Kind
- Last
- Late
- Little
- Long
- Loud
- Mad
- Many
- Mean
- Medium
- Messy
- Middle
- Mine
- More
- Most
- My
- New
- Next
- Nice
- None
- Of
- Old
- Only
- Other
- Our
- Pretty
- Quiet
- Real
- Right
- Sad
- Same
- Sick
- Smart
- Some
- Strong
- Tall
- That
- The
- Their
- These
- This
- Those
- Tired
- True
- Ugly
- Weak
- Wet
- Wild
- Wrong
- Your
- Yours