There are two critical resources that we all have: 1) time, and 2) money.  For the vast majority of us, these two are linked.  We go to our jobs every day and trade our time for money so we can buy the things we need.

In education, the formula is still the same.  There are certain things we have to do (like report data from transition assessments), and we have two options for getting these things done:

  1. We can do it ourselves (spend our time)
  2. Pay for a person or tool to do it for us (spend our money)

If what you’re spending your hard-earned money on is worth more to you than the price, you’ll make that purchase.  Instead of staying with the status quo methods of data-collection, we need to evaluate the process and figure out the best way to do what we need to do – and at the lowest “real” cost.

What is the “Real” Cost?

I say “real” cost because what most people don’t understand in their effort to save money is how much their time is really worth. When it comes to “free” transition assessments, they actually turn out to be more expensive in the long run because of the huge time commitment that is required.  For more information on the true cost of “free” assessments, view our previous blog post, Free is Not Exactly Free.  Once we figure out what we’re really spending by trying to piece the transition process together ourselves, we can determine what it would be worth to us to automate the process.

What is Efficiency Worth to You?

But what if I told you there was a tool out there that could make you 100x more efficient in preparing those reports that you have to do anyway?  What would that be worth to you?  $50?  $100?  $1,000?  Maybe even $10,000?

Whatever you decide, Conover Online fits into that budget.  At $5/credit, Conover Online’s flexible pricing structure allows you access to premium transition tools to make your job easier.  You can build a house with a hammer and nail, but if you have a nail gun you’ll get the job done quicker – and ultimately, you’ll save a lot of money.

Your time is money.  With student-driven, cloud-based transition assessment tools like Conover Online, you can save both.