Personal Responsibility

Achieving Academic and Career Goals

Emotional Intelligence

Adapted Edition

The Personal Responsibility program is about goal setting and achievement for academic, career and personal success. This program helps individuals develop the ability to set clear and attainable goals and, most importantly, to develop the necessary skills to help them successfully achieve those goals. Individuals also learn to accept responsibility for their own actions regardless of the outcome of the attempt to reach their goal.

How does it work?

Skill Building Units

Users learn how to improve their skills via skill building units and then are assessed on their understanding. Skill building units include:

  • Goal setting
  • Self-efficacy
  • Values congruence
  • Achievement drive
  • Supportive environment
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-control
  • Self-management
  • Problem solving
  • Resiliency
  • Self-improvement
  • Personal responsibility

Sample skill building unit and assessment

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Measure Understanding

Once a user completes a skill building unit and assessment, a report is created to show how well they understand what they learned.